Unpacking “All” Protocol: Making Sure We Actually Serve ALL Students

Diverse group of six middle school students smiling facing the camera.

Diversity is the mix. Inclusion is making the mix work.

– Andrés Tapia

Using this activity to understand who all your students are is just the first step, the real work is then considering and planning for how you’ll use this information to change and build the student experience at your school. Check out Carmen’s story for some of the ways she elevated the student experience at her schools, and as always, Toolkit has even more practical ideas for how you can as well. 

Use the provided Slides to follow this process:

What “All” Means

Take about 5 minutes and make a list of your students based on the following prompts.  It’s important to be very specific:

When we say “all” students who do we mean?:

  • Racially? (What racial groups are represented in your school?)
  • Economically? (What variety of socioeconomic groups are represented?)
  • Geographically? (Where are students from? What is their geography like? Where were they from?)
  • Ethnically? (What ethnic groups are represented in your school?)
  • Linguistically? (What languages are spoken at your school?)
  • From a gendered perspective? (What gender representations are present in your school? Which might be?)
  • From an ability perspective? (What type of diversity exists physically, cognitively and developmentally at your school?)
  • From a family perspective? (What kinds of family structures are represented in your school?)
  • From a social perspective? (How do students organize themselves socially at your school? i.e. athletes, theater, skater, leadership, ESL, and so forth)

Deeper Reflection

Spend another 10 minutes reflecting and asking yourselves the following questions.

  • Examining the lists you created, which groups are best being served within your current school system?
  • Who is being underserved by your current approaches and what are the unintended consequences?
  • What strategies are you using now that come close to serving the needs of “all” students and are they culturally relevant?
  • How can you use this information to change and build the student experience at your school?

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