Strategies for Equitable Family Engagement: Engaging Outside of the School Building

Parent involvement is more a ‘doing to,’ while engagement is a ‘doing with.’

– Larry Ferlazzo

Engaging Outside of the School Building

Conduct home visits

Home visits are a common family engagement strategy for many schools and districts. Home visits can help school staff and families establish a common understanding and goals for students. Studies have found that conducting home visits can also show school staff’s respect for the family and home environment, as well as help to break a potential “cycle of blame” for student learning challenges.

Engage with community organizations

Families may engage in learning activities that occur outside of school, such as community-based enrichment or tutoring programs. Some of these programs are evidence-based and beneficial to students, but school staff are often not aware of student participation in these activities unless notified by family members (Stephens & Pate, 2015). Schools may benefit from networking with local religious groups, community organizations, and neighborhood libraries, leveraging existing programs and events to share information with families and show support for learning activities that happen outside of school. Some family members may also feel more comfortable engaging in a peer group and in a neutral, trusted space.

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