Exceptional Situations, Exceptional Students: Networks to Support Students in Intensive Circumstances

If we want to help vulnerable youngsters become more resilient, we need to decrease their exposure to potent risk factors and increase their competencies and self-esteem, as well as the sources of support they can draw upon.
– Emmy Werner

The academic and behavioral needs of most students are met through a continuum of support within a school. Some students, however, require out-of-system support due to extreme or intensive circumstances, such as long-term hospitalization. This January 27, 2023, Crowdsource Coffee focused on the proactive building of relationships between schools, districts, and other organizations to provide the structural support necessary for students and families to succeed in exceptional situations.
- Reflect on the three question prompts (and shared ideas) in this post
- Brainstorm (with your leadership team and/or staff) community resources and partners you can strengthen your student support net with. Make a plan for now and the coming school year.
- A publisher that specializes in books that help children with chronic illness and other special needs
What kinds of connections do you have with outside supports in your school district?
- As a former building principal, we had several students in the local hospital and found their connection and support amazing. At the same time, however, districts and building leaders don’t always know of their support systems.
- We have connections with community organizations programs to help engage and reengage students in school. Many of the organizations are culturally specific and mentor-based. Referrals are discussed in Tier 3 meetings.
- Students come from outside the neighborhood with lots of needs. We have a bilingual community liaison and wraparound services like a food pantry, and even a nutrition club where students get a box of food and a recipe.
- Working together to support kids before they need the intensive support of a hospital program or 5150s. Students (and parents) knowing they are safe at school and having people they know and trust is just as, if not more, important than education.
- Having a strong 504 planning apparatus is important. It follows a kid throughout their years, from elementary to middle to high school.
- A program called E-flex which can help transition a kid back into instruction. It’s a combination of online and, if the student is able, in-person instruction. This is helpful as a way to start conversations about transitions and how to care for students as people; it creates a mindset of flexibility that has been missing in education. We should be supporting students regardless of their circumstances and meeting them where they are.
What kinds of challenges have you had? What challenges do your students face in staying connected to the classroom and their education?
- Building trust with teachers and parents, especially during/after COVID; staffing and filling positions with qualified people.
- Figuring out how to leverage technology use and keeping students engaged. Healthy communication, especially with students who are out of school for any period of time. Fewer home visits, and apprehension about visiting homes.
- Diversity in staff is important in increasing the likelihood that a kid will have someone they will connect with.
- The 10-day drop rule is a challenge. How do you stop a district from disconnecting a student? Kids lose access to school, which disconnects them from their identity as a student. Kids know how to do school, even if they don’t always like it, and gives them a sense of normalcy & belonging. (One possible solution is to be creative with flexibility around drops: Zoom in a teacher on day 9, or keep them connected to their programs even if they are “dropped.”)
How can you be proactive and intentional in building structures that support students in extreme and intensive situations?
- Relying on virtual structures that have been developed during COVID. Using those structures for students who aren’t necessarily having big crises, but are regularly sick, are pregnant, have to work and are always late, etc. And that is helpful for students with IEPs as well.
- Inherent differentiation
- Importance of flexibility in instruction for ALL students (targeted universalism)
- If you plan your programs thinking about the student who needs the most support or is the most vulnerable, then that benefits all other students too
- Can qualify a medically fragile student for home instruction, but that has its own difficult parameters in OR (four weeks) and in CA (burns out teachers). Strong case managers can help.
- Modifying kids’ schedules. Asking for forgiveness instead of permission.
- Reflect on the three question prompts (and shared ideas) in this post
- What are you/your school/district already doing to support your most vulnerable students?
- Brainstorm (with your leadership team and/or staff) community resources and partners you can strengthen your student support net with. Make a plan for now and the coming school year.
- Plan for the most vulnerable student/member of the community
- The need for a protocol for returning kids back to school safely; connection, connection, connection
- It doesn’t matter where you are… we are all struggling with the same concerns. In addition, we have the same hopes and aspirations to make learning accessible for ALL no matter the circumstance
- Resources re: the Hospital School program in the Portland, OR area
- Read the Hospital School Program webpage from the Multnomah ESD to learn about the specifics of the program in Portland, OR, and the importance of school for hospitalized children in general. (<5 minute read)
- Listen to the School Treatment podcast episode from OHSU, where a current teacher and former student talk about the flexibility and support of the program. (15 minute listen: interview segment begins at 2:00 and ends at 16:30)
- Explore the Hospital Educator and Academic Liaison (HEAL) Association, a national association of professionals who work with students with medical and mental health needs