Student Empowerment: Support Student-Led Social Change

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are an excellent leader.
– Dolly Parton

Are your students empowered to change your school for the better? Are they encouraged to advocate for what they need when they need it?
This activity is designed to make you think about what matters to your students when it comes to leading for change. What do they feel empowered to do as leaders? Consider what schoolwide initiatives you would like to see your students leading.
- Develop a shared understanding of student empowerment
- Highlight key strategies to support students’ sense of belonging and ownership of learning.
Read this article from Learning for Justice about empowered students leading for change.
Take a few minutes to think about what matters to your students when it comes to leading for change.
- What do they feel empowered to do as leaders?
- What barriers are in their paths to feeling empowered?
- Are your students empowered to change your school for the better?
- Are they encouraged to advocate for what they need when they need it?
Envision your students one year in the future.
- What schoolwide initiative would you like to see your students leading?
To document this vision, create a news story about your students with this newspaper article generator.
- How might you incorporate this newspaper generator tool in the classroom to ignite student-led change?