Shared Identity

Effective schools know who they are. They share values, beliefs, and mental models. Their identity speaks to and is shared by all in the community – families, students, community members and staff. A strong shared identity will help create a strong culture and climate. Shared identity allows schools to be highly effective in reaching and teaching all students.

“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”

Maya Angelou

Statements Depicting the Ideal

  • The identity reflects the values, beliefs, and mental models of the entire community.
  • The identity includes a clear sense of purpose and a holistic set of outcomes for all students.
  • The identity is well-known and embraced by all students, families, staff, and the community.
  • The identity informs classroom and schoolwide structures and practices.

Key Toolkit Resources

Reflection Prompts

  • What might be possible ways, even if they were unintentional, that staff, students, and/or families could feel their values and beliefs were not included in a school’s identity?
  • What groups do you have in your school that may not feel connected or valued?
  • What might be some ways to incorporate the voice of school/community groups who do not feel included to increase their sense of belonging?
  • You run into a key stakeholder “in an elevator.” This person asks, “I heard you are working on creating your school identity that tells who you are as a school and what you are all about.  Can you tell me more about this?” Prepare and practice an informative and concise response which you can deliver in 60 seconds or less. Try out your ideas by filling in the sentence frames: Our initiative is about… and… It is important because our students… We need to change because…  When we are successful… What we need from the staff….from the students…from the families…from all of us together…

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

John F. Kennedy

All Toolkit Resource for Shared Identity

Additional Resources