Supporting Students When They Need It Most: Implement 9th-Grade Success Teams

Teens gain more independence as they get older, but adults also expect more from teens without providing as much of the nurturing and guidance of their earlier years. Starting high school is a big transition and, it turns out, the ninth is grade a pivotal moment for teens’ potential success or failure in high school.
– Ki Sung

Serving all kids well requires quality relationships. This is an inherent value found in the identity of schools that are getting it done for each and every student. Taking steps to ensure students succeed early on in their high school careers is vital in fostering high-achieving students. Implementing a 9th-grade transition team is one step to ensuring students’ long-term success.
- Reflect on your school’s current programs and practices for 9th-graders
- Working with your staff and other leaders, brainstorm and plan a 9th-grade success team for your site
- This Key Move was implemented by North Eugene High School in Eugene, Oregon
- They created 9th-grade success teams that worked directly with a:
- 9th-grade transition specialist
- 9th-grade counselor
- The transition specialist focused on students who were identified as needing additional support based on their middle school experience, and 9th graders who struggled during their first 9 weeks of the school year.
- The counselor worked with the 9th grade teachers to create classroom environments that support quality relationships between students, and between students and staff.
- The school saw a 10% increase in its graduation rate due in part to their efforts to nurture quality relationships using this approach.
- Reflect on your current programs and practices regarding your students’ transition to high school.
- What’s working well?
- What concerns are there?
- What supports are in place?
- Do you have what need to implement a 9th-grade success team and program (including staff, resources, space, etc.)?
- Prioritize your remaining needs.
- Brainstorm: Start planning with your leadership team and teaching staff ideas for what a 9th-grade success team/program looks like for your school. It’s recommended you also connect with the leaders of feeder schools for their ideas/insights.
- Key Moves are efforts that require a bit of planning, such as the activity above, but can be implemented within the next three to six months.