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First Name


Last Name





Santiam Canyon School District

City and State

Mill City, OR



Superintendent, Santiam Canyon School District 

Mill City, OR — 2013-Present

  • Oversee all district operations for Pre-K – 12th Grade, including oversight of the largest statewide online charter school
  • Collaboratively developed a $57M annual budget, increasing student opportunity, upgrading infrastructure and technology, and adding savings for the future of the district
  • Work with the school board, staff, parents, community and partners to develop a vision and culture for the district. Empower and support a dedicated staff who work as a team for the benefit of student achievement

Portico Executive Coach

2022 — Present


Executive Director, Oregon Connections Academy

Scio, OR — 2011-2013


Principal, Gates Elementary School

Gates, OR — 2009-2010


Special Education Teacher, Mill City Middle School

Mill City, OR — 2002-2009


Instructional Assistant, Mill City Middle School

Mill City, OR — 2002




Passed first ever school construction bond

Just completed construction on a $28M capital project. The community bond passed for $17.9M, while the additional $10M came in from grants, state funding and district funding. The project was completed on time and within district funding, far exceeding our bond promise. This was the first ever bond passed in the Santiam Canyon. We accomplished this by earning trust, being open and transparent, doing extensive research, being cost conscious, and putting forth a plan that came from the values of our community.

Improved Student Programming and Graduation Success

In my 9 years at Santiam, we went from a 3 year average graduation rate of 68% (below state average) to the latest 3 year average of 88% (above state average). We added both elementary PE and music for all students every day. Additionally, we started three new CTE programs, added post-secondary college options, strengthened our core programs and added new electives.

Launched Free Preschool for Santiam Canyon School District

We developed a free preschool for all Santiam Canyon preschool aged students, built and funded by private foundations. Our Early Childhood Center / Preschool is in the third year of operation, adding a valuable service into the community, free to ensure all families have access.

Created a Positive and Collaborative School Culture 

Lead district visioning and planning with staff, the school board, parents, students and community partners to develop our values and desired outcomes for students. As a leader, I view my success not from my actions or outcomes, but by the success of others around me.

Changed to Overall Health and Trajectory of the District 

Leading our district with a shared respect for all has allowed us to build momentum and continue to forge new paths and improve in all aspects of the district. Amongst the devastation of the wildfires last school year, building cleanup and construction delays as a result, we still managed to be the first in our region to get all students back into school everyday. As a district, this was accomplished by hard work, thoughtful planning, mutual trust and commitment by all staff. We are now in a position of improving student programming, improving climate and culture, improving infrastructure and facilities, while also improving our financial health for the future.


  • 2003 Oregon Downtown Development Association’s Energy/Synergy Award recipient
  • 2013 Connections Academy National Leader of the Year Award
  • 2020 North Santiam Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year Award
  • 2022 North Santiam Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Award
  • 2023 Oregon Small Schools Administrator of the Year Award


I'm here because

Why me?

I have a wide variety of experiences in education and enjoy finding solutions for any situation to support schools and students. Ultimately, I want to see all kids succeed.

Why this?

All students deserve our best, so supporting adults to help them is the right work and the fulfilling work 🙂

Why here?

My leadership principles fit well with the Portico approach and community. I truly believe in this work and this approach for any school, any leader and for all students.

Why now?

Our work is hard and our students’ needs are great. Helping leaders and schools improve is the most important work we can do. Our future depends on it.

I got here through


I have learned that improvement comes from a constant dedication to improvement. We don’t achieve high outcomes by being perfect, we achieve them by continually overcoming hurdles and keeping our eyes on the goal.

My hope for this community

My greatest hope is that my cohort leaders leave with hope, new connections and the skills needed to improve their school and student outcomes for many years.

I can support you with

Our work is difficult and we need each other to find solutions, learn from our peers, share resources, grow, build confidence and maybe even enjoy the time while we do it. Our work is difficult. Let’s enjoy it and let’s work together and enjoy the growth of our schools and students.

Favorite role in education

First year special education instructional assistant. It was the moment when I knew what I wanted to do for a profession for the rest of my life. I found my passion for education, and most importantly, the love of working to find a solution for every kid.