Inverted Pyramid Planning Template: Planning an MTSS Framework That Works for ALL Students

Have a bias towards action – let’s see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.
– Indira Gandhi

This MTSS Planning Template will not only help you build out and visualize your school’s complete MTSS framework but also start taking steps to implement schoolwide changes that benefit all students now.
- Organize and evaluate your school’s current MTSS framework
- Plan a cohesive MTSS framework that starts benefitting all students right away
- Each member involved with this planning should reflect independently:
- What are your own ideas for your school’s MTSS framework?
- What do you hope the MTSS planning process achieves?
- What do you anticipate the MTSS planning process will achieve? Why?
- Each member involved with this planning should reflect independently:
- Did your own ideas for your school’s MTSS framework change over the course of the planning process? How and/or why?
- Did the MTSS planning process achieve what you had hoped it would? In what ways did it? In what ways did it exceed hopes? In what ways did it fall short?
- Did the MTSS planning process achieve what you had anticipated it would? In what ways did it? In what ways did it exceed hopes? In what ways did it fall short?
- Gather school data and stakeholder input before starting this Planning Template
- Collaboration is key:
- Provide “edit” access to everyone who will need to edit the Template (this should not just be you or any one person)
- This may even be everyone on the leadership/MTSS team (but with a communal agreement of editing guidelines)
- Use this Template within collaborative meeting spaces to document and visualize ideas, discussion, and plans – not as independent “homework”
- Provide “edit” access to everyone who will need to edit the Template (this should not just be you or any one person)