Envision the Future of Your School

Diverse group of people (different ages, races, genders, etc.) sit in a circle, smiling, and sharing ideas.

You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it.

– Grace Lee Boggs

This activity is designed to complete with various stakeholders/teams. We encourage you to make it your own, though you can simply follow the progression outlined below. Utilize the worksheet provided above to assist with this activity.

Envision The Future

Have each person individually reflect on the following:

  • It’s five years from now and your school community has identified the values and beliefs most important to students, staff, and families. This is one key reason that your school culture is better than it has ever been. Imagine walking through your community in this future state and reflect on the following questions for each group (STUDENTS, STAFF, and FAMILIES):

  • What are they DOING?

  • If you asked them to describe their FEELINGS, what would they say?

Break into small groups to discuss:

  • What are the commonalities?

  • What are the differences?

Ask staff individually the following questions:

  • What are the core values (principles that drive behavior) that are most essential in your school?
  • What are the core beliefs (what we think to be true) that influence decision-making in your school?
  • Describe a time when you saw teachers, students, or families embodying some of the attributes you listed above.
    • When you think about that time, what did you see happening?
    • Use as much detail as you can.

Discuss in small groups what values and beliefs you listed that were shared with each other.

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